Posted by: cusenbary | June 23, 2010

The results are in…

Last night at 5:40pm I received a call from Dr. Damek with the pathology report.  At 6:00pm I jumped on my bike in a frantic pace to haul it home, where I got to tell Brad the best news of the year.  The report shows necrosis – a classic example of treatment effect.  What does this mean you ask?  Well, it means no more chemo!  They did not find cancer cells in the 14 samples they took from the area of question.

I was too excited to ask my typical barrage of questions about the results – what does this mean for the future, etc.  But we are going to meet with Dr. Damek and outline a comprehensive plan within the next week or so.  For now, we are reveling in the moment.

Let the celebrating begin!


  1. Brad, YOU DID IT! YOU kicked lb’s ass right outa the ballpark, or brainpark, as this case may be!!! Halleluiah. let’s hear it for faith in all kinds of aspects showing up, to team up to conquer lb. Amen. “put on your dancin’ shoes..” love ya

  2. Hey, Brad, you did it! You kicked lb’s ass! Positive energy, your inner strength and wit, wisdom, and courage, prayers and lots of faith in surgeon hands and brain tools and hospital food…well, no more chemo. “Everybody…Dance…let the music move ya….” CONGRATS! cowboy. love ya

  3. I am praising God for an answer to our prayers. So happy for both of you!

  4. This is outstanding news! I am so happy for you both. I’m going to have a glass of wine in your name!

  5. I’m SO so happy for you. YAY!

  6. So good to hear such Wonderful news! Your unfailing faith and rock solid strength have won a victory. Praise God for he is good and may he continue to bless you both.

  7. I forgot how good it is to get good news. This has made my day. Hell my year. Have a blow out.
    Love ya’ll,

  8. YIPPEE!!!! We are so happy for you guys. FINALLY some good news. You guys deserve this! Rock on rednecks!!!

  9. CONGRATS you guys! Way to go Brad kicking the big C’s butt!

  10. YAAAAY!!!! That is GREAT news!!

  11. I am crying tears of joy!!!!! This makes me so happy and so happy for both of you . Now you can get back to having a normal life and hopefully feeling 100%!!!! Love ya,
    Mindy (aunt)

  12. Great news!

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